by Farmer Richard
This is a continuation of our
series of newsletters on the subject of “the future of our food” as we discuss
what kind of food system we want going into the future. This week I’d like to discuss a topic that’s
always on our minds, but even more so over the past week….WEATHER.
Weather has been with us
forever! In my case I only have 60 years
of weather memory. Starting on the South
Dakota plains, with winter blizzards when we went to the neighbors’ house a
mile away with Smoky and Barney pulling the bob sled for a Saturday night taco
and card game evening. A night when only
a team of horses could have made the trip.
And then there was the ice storm of ’59 when a heavy buildup of ice
snapped off power poles for miles. We
were without electricity for two weeks.
My brother Dennis, my Mom and I milked our cows by hand while Dad was
off helping the electric linemen put in new poles. I know something about weather, I’ve farmed
around weather for most of a lifetime.
Sometimes it is too wet and sometimes too dry. We have learned to farm around it. We watch weather forecasts day and night and
plan accordingly! We make the absolute most of dry days to keep
planting schedules and do our weed control.
Early spring onion field on raised beds |
Twenty five years ago we converted
to farming with a system of raised beds so excess moisture immediately drains
to the wheel tracks and off the fields.
We watched the water run during rain storms so we could observe how it
moved and then made ditches and berms to protect fields and drain off excess
water. We built high organic matter in
the soil that allows it to be more resilient, absorbing water and at the same time draining well so it
can be worked very soon after a rain.
When it was dry, we irrigated. We
learned to use a variety of different irrigation methods including buried drip
irrigation lines to efficiently deliver water and nutrients to plant roots
without watering the soil surface and germinating new weeds.
Last year we built a new dike to help prevent rising waters. |
We are very good farmers and have consistently
raised good to excellent crops through a variety of weather variations that we
considered “normal.” But over the past
ten years, that has changed for the worst!
For example, lets look at the history of the Bad Axe River watershed we
live and farm in. Human beings have
lived and survived here for 10,000 years, but farmed for only the last 1,500
years. European settlers have farmed here
for less than 200 years. The Bad Axe
River would periodically flood over its banks and damage the rich valley
farmland. So starting in the 50’s a
series of dams were built on the North and South forks of the Bad Axe River to
hold excess water and prevent flooding.
The dam that is 5 miles above our farm is the Runge Hollow Dam. It successfully ended flood events until 2007
when we had what was called a “100 year flood,” with an unprecedented 18 inches
of rainfall in 24 hours that overflowed the dam and flooded our valley crops. We survived life and limb and came
through economically with the help of many friends and customers. Then it happened again ten months later. We had another “100 year flood.” We survived again and went on to have several
good years, got out of debt, and then had another “100 year flood” last fall, September
2016. We really needed a good year to
recover from the losses of that last event, but here we go again just 10 months
A fallen tree on our landlord's storage shed! |
Is our climate changing? Absolutely!!
We have experienced four “100 year” weather events in less than 10
years! The overall average temperature
has risen a few degrees, ie “global warming” has brought us some late, warm
falls and some earlier springs which were welcomed by us. However, those few degrees in the ocean leads
to melting the polar ice caps and may not be welcomed by coastal dwellers in
the future. But what we are struggling
with now is the extreme, more intense storm events and weather patterns! What does that look like for us?
Cleaning up fallen trees & branches
on field roads Thursday morning |
Good, healthy soil can absorb up to
one inch of rain in an hour with minimal run-off. We have recently witnessed three inches of
steady rain over a six hour period with minimal problems. But our recent four inches of rain that fell in
less than an hour followed by another four inches just six hours later caused
huge problems! Eight inches of rain on
every square foot of field at a rate of two or more inches per hour is
“intense.” Our raised beds with five rows of crop, lost the outside two rows!
The water could not drain away fast enough and fields looked like a
“lake” for a time because our valley drainage systems were overwhelmed with the
huge amounts of water and debris running from the surrounding woods and
hillsides. When I wrote last week’s
newsletter about making choices and considering your impact downstream, I had
no idea what we were in for before last week was over. In last week’s
newsletter I wrote “Sometimes we are the
person being impacted downstream and other times we are the one with the
ability to impact what’s happening downstream. Yes our choices do matter
and the farming practices you choose to support can make a significant impact
on our local health and environment as well as the health and environment
downstream. At the end of the day, we are all a community and we all have
choices.” Unfortunately, last week we
were the downstream recipients who paid for the poor choices and irresponsible
actions of a farmer on the ridge above us who chose to clear steep hillsides so
he could plant corn.
Farmer Richard making use of his bulldozer to
clean silt and debris off a field. |
When the rains
came, there was significant erosion off those hillsides that washed down into
one of the dry wash ditches that is supposed to direct water from the hillsides
and carry it to the river. The rocks, silt,
soil and sand that washed off the ridge top came down fast with the momentum of
the water driving it. It clogged up the
dry wash and came close to taking out our neighbor’s solar panels and house
basement. The debris covered Newton road
with silt, soil and debris that was one foot deep. Because the water and debris didn’t follow
the intended path, it spilled over the road and onto one of the fields we farm
covering half of a field of small beets intended for fall harvest. In other places, the erosion and volume of
water running off the hillsides took out our five fences that contain our
animals and cross our small creek. After
the first 4 inches of rain, our crew put back fences to contain the pigs,
working well until after dark only to do it all over again in the morning. There were numerous trees that fell and broke
off throughout the valley as a result of the high winds including a large one
on our neighbor’s property that took down a power line. Wednesday evening Juan, Andrea and I got two
generators in place and running so we could generate our own power to run the
essentials until power was restored 24 hours later. We kept greenhouses inflated so they were
rigid enough to withstand the high winds of the second storm that came through
in the middle of the night. We were also
able to keep our coolers and ice machines running as well as the water pump so
we could continue to wash and pack vegetables on Thursday as we tried to fill
our wholesale orders and prepare to pack CSA boxes on Friday. Did we say intense and violent storms?
The goats really like the fallen trees! |
In the days that have followed, we
have had six skillful young men working full-time replacing fences, cutting
downed trees, clearing silt from river crossings and fields. We lost many
hundreds of trees, snapped off from tornado like winds. We can salvage some firewood and maybe
hopefully sell some wood products to help contribute towards the cost to clean all this up! The wind driven rain and the hail the storm
brought with it has shredded the leaves on many crops, leaving them vulnerable
for leaf disease. The water-logged soils
have already led to some plants
dying. Brassicas in particular (kale,
collards, broccoli, etc) do not like “wet feet,” meaning their root system
cannot stand in water for extended periods of time. We’ve seen many of these sensitive plants
wilt, die and add to our losses. In our
past experience we find that waterlogged plants and crops that go through wet,
humid days may look fine, but the shelf life may be shorter and they may
suddenly start to rot or break down. So,
please be patient, observant and understanding.
Please do your part to store your vegetables properly, keep your eye on
them and eat them in a timely manner so you don’t lose them. We will never intentionally pack a poor
quality vegetable, but what may look fine when it goes in the box may not look
fine when you take it out or go to use it several days later.
Replacing fencing panels washed out by the swift current. |
What’s next? We keep talking. Brainstorming. We need solutions to these issues, we need
changes to policy, we need to figure out the course our future will take. We’re back to the “future of our food.” I, once again, encourage you to be part of
these conversations so we, as a community, can proactively decide our
future. There are many things that could
be done! But, they take money,
direction, leadership, “political will,” regulation, incentives and
education. Firstly, we need
understanding, cooperation and the right attitude.
1 comment:
Thank you, Richard, for this excellent continuing series. Those of us who don't farm need to understand the many complex and devastating impacts of our changing climate. David and I are in awe of your ingenuity and resilience in the fact of these recurring extreme weather events. Today's CSA box is beautiful and will provide delicious eating, quite the miracle given your last week. Thank you always!
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