Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Who Will Be Crowned 2014 Champion Vegetable

The Sweet Potatoes smashed the Rutabagas!  They move into the final round today to take on the Spring-time favorite - Ramps!  Here is how the bracket looks!  How did your picks stack up?

On the 'LIKE' side, the Ramps are really springing up to this occasion. We asked Alvaro to head out to the woods and check on the current Ramp progress. The picture below shows that they are just starting to show off their green tips.  I, for one, can't wait to taste one of these again! To choose these spring-time favorites  as overall champion vegetable, 'LIKE' our Facebook status today!

Capt Jack knew all along that the Sweet Potatoes would roast all the other competitors.  Now he wants your help to chop up the Ramps!  If the Sweet Potatoes can overcome the powerfully flavorful Ramps, Capt Jack says we will pick one lucky person who shares our status (voting for the Sweet Potatoes) and send them a Farm Fresh & Fast cookbook from FairShare! 'SHARE' our Facebook status today for your chance to win if the Sweet Potatoes win!

This is the last match-up this year - Make your votes count!  Tomorrow we will announce the Champion!!

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