Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Second Final Four Match-Up

Yesterday, as the Ramps were dicing up the Mini Sweet Peppers, Capt Jack was looking forward to the Sweet Potato and Rutabaga mash-up today. He is pretty sure he knows who will win, but only time will tell.

On the 'LIKE' side today we have Capt. Jack's favorite vegetable of all time - the Sweet Potato!  These sweet beauties have cured the competition thus far. First they roasted the Honeynut Butternut Squash, then they steamed the Broccoli Romanesco. Now we will see if they can mash up the Rutabaga team. To help the Sweet Potatoes go to the Championship round, 'LIKE' our status on Facebook today.

On the 'SHARE' side, we have the Rutabaga team. They buried the Celeriac in the ground during the first round and are still reeling over the Red Beet blow-out on Friday. These root veggies are looking to smash the Sweet Potatoes with a little butter, salt and pepper to help them go down. The Rutabaga team is looking to you for help to take down the competition, to help them move on - 'SHARE' our Facebook status today!

The winner of this round will move on to take on the Ramps for the Championship Title.  I am sure that Jack will be eagerly waiting to see the results tomorrow. Can you guess who he wants to win?

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