Monday, April 7, 2014

First Final Four Round!

Our final four has been set, and I can tell you that I have my first loss in my personal bracket picks.  I thought those pesky beets would win out over the Rutabaga, however we move on to the Final Four!

In the first round of the Final Four we have the Spring favorite, Ramps, taking on the Summer favorite Mini Sweet Peppers.  We watched as the ramps creamed the Overwintered Spinach and snapped the Sugar Snap Peas! Will these springtime favorites be able to dice up the Mini Sweet Peppers? To help the Ramps spring into the final round, 'LIKE' our Facebook post today.

The Mini Sweet Peppers have already shown their bite by stringing up the Green Beans and crushing the Sungold Tomatoes into defeat.  Now these colorful beauties are looking to out-shine the wild Ramps. Will they be able to shimmy their way to the final round? To help the Mini Sweet's sweeten the final round, 'SHARE' our Facebook post today.

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