Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ramps Win The Title!!

And all through the forest, the people rejoice as the Ramps have risen to take the title in the 2014 bracket!!! They have chopped the Overwintered Spinach, snapped the Sugar Snap Peas, roasted the Mini Sweet Peppers and smashed the Sweet Potatoes on their way to Victory.  Even with Capt Jack trying to stack the deck with a free cookbook, the Ramps held their ground.

Thank you to all of you that have played along with us and we hope to be able to have more fun and games throughout the year!!

Picture of the Ramps coming up this week!

Today's victory is the perfect way to start spring Ramp Season, which is just around the corner! We plan to start harvesting them in the next 1 - 2 weeks!

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