Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vegetable Madness Continues with Summer Division Match-Ups

     Yesterday’s game was a close one but it looks like the mini sweet peppers will be moving on to the next round in the Vegetable Madness games! Here is how the bracket stands so far:

     So who will the Mini Sweets be playing next? It’s time to find out! Today’s competition pits the bright, delicious Sungold Tomatoes against the beautiful Fresh Garlic! Both of these vegetables bring quiet a lot to the table – Let’s pull a few highlights on each of these teams that are fighting for their chance to battle the mini sweets:

     First up we have the Sungold Tomatoes! These small tangerine-orange tomatoes pack an “intense fruity flavor” that is unlike any other tomato of the season! These are great just popped in your mouth or dried and saved for a special treat to enjoy in the winter. I think the intensity of these tomatoes is going to shine through as they try to run up the number of ‘Likes’ in today’s match-up.

     And competing against the Sungold Tomatoes we have the Fresh Garlic! Don’t let the fact that the garlic has been resting all winter fool you - when these fresh bulbs make their way to the surface, they never disappoint! The juicy, mild flavor that comes out of this garlic is something you won’t soon forget. The Fresh Garlic has come to today’s competition looking to be shared and doesn’t plan to disappoint.
     Both of today’s competitors may seem small, but I think they will each put up quite a fight. Our office alone is split on who we think is going to pull out ahead in this game. Let’s see which vegetable brings their all and continues on to battle the Mini Sweet Peppers for winner in the summer vegetable division!

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