Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Second Match-up Complete, Third Match Competitors

In a much closer match in the Spring division, the Sugar Snap Peas edged out the Kohlrabi to move on to a match later against the overpowering Ramps.  I am just looking forward to eating all of these soon! Here is how we are currently standing in the bracket.

Remember Capt Jack picked all the vegetables and he is eagerly awaiting the results. You can see he is contemplating his bracket picks below.  Can you guess which vegetable he wants to win?

Now for the next round of contestants - both hailing from the Summer division of the Vegetable Bracket. Our first vegetable is the mouth-watering, sweet and adorable Mini Sweet Peppers. These little peppers are not only cute and colorful, but are terribly sweet when eaten raw or cooked.  What is my favorite way to eat them you ask (when they make it into my house)? I would have to say raw with a little garlic and herbed Brebis cheese stuffed in them. Yum!! This vegetable is a true team player, you just can't eat one!! We plant ½ acre of these little sweethearts and with all the colors, the rows look like little Christmas trees when they are loaded with ripe peppers.

The second vegetable contestant is not quite as flashy as the mini-sweet pepper, but equally beautiful and plentiful in its own way.  As the green beans come to the playing field, they recruited their yellow bean counterpart to join them on center-stage to add a little color to the competition against the mini-sweets.  Who doesn't love a fresh green or yellow bean?!  Green & yellow beans are usually considered to be more of the “old favorite” vegetable that has stood the test of time and comes back as a customer favorite year after year. One planting is never enough, so we plan to plant as many as 6 different crops each year!  If the weather cooperates, that means everyone will eat beans until they are coming out your ears!  Quickly sautéed with garlic, roasted until golden brown, or simply tossed with a light vinaigrette…..the crisp, fresh, mild flavor of green & yellow beans will always find their place on the summer dinner plate.

 So the real questions is.....  Who will the winner be!

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