Thursday, October 11, 2012

All Signs Point to Fall

Fall is in full swing here at Harmony Valley Farm! This week's CSA box has a lot of our great fall harvest vegetables. This includes:

Porcelain Garlic, Red Onions, French Fingerling Potatoes, Carrots, Spaghetti Squash, Honeynut Butternut Squash, Salad, Broccoli, Escarole (our feature vegetable), Red or French Breakfast Radishes, Red Mustard and Parsnips.

Our newsletter this week has simple ideas for each of these items and also goes in-depth on our feature vegetable, escarole. Chef Chelsea shares two very simple, yet delicious, recipes for our enjoying the escarole as well.

Photo by Abbey J. Steffen
Photo by Abbey J. Steffen

If you're more of a meat person, we could talk for hours about the quality of our beef and pork here at Harmony Valley Farm.

 Farmer Richard took some time out of his busy days here at the farm to share a little about his experiences that brought him to raise his own beef and pork. He also takes the opportunity to go more in-depth about our 100% grass-fed Angus and pasteurized pork. We feel it is important that you know all there is to know about where your meat is coming from - and we are happy to share that! 

Check out the newsletter for this Pasture Walk Down Memory Lane with Farmer Richard.

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