Friday, April 27, 2012

Signs of Spring


Assembling Garden Herb Packs
Transplant caravan

Potato planting crew


Broccoli transplant crew
Tim cultivating the rhubarb field
What are the surest signs of spring here at Harmony Valley Farm?  For one thing, there's a huge increase in activity! 

The crew returns, and just in time.  They've been planting, transplanting and cultivating in earnest.  For the field crew, we have two new guys to get to know, and thankfully the 30 other guys passed their work visa interviews and made it back to WI safely.  It's great to have these same guys come back year after year - they can get right back into it and work together like a well oiled machine. 

We've hired some other new folks too & hopefully we'll get a group photo and some interviews out soon!

So much basil!

The greenhouses are bursting at the seams - we run out of trays and table space, until we can get those plants in the ground. 
Large Greenhouse

Coldframe Greenhouse


Besides the valley coming alive and turning green, there's lots of animal life evident again.  The barn swallows have returned, the Angus are enjoying the fresh green grass, and we have 10 new kids (and counting!?!).

Blueberry blossom

  White Mama had triplets just this morning.  We have 3 mamas confined for a couple more days, then they can join the rest of the herd.  We're keeping an eye on at least one more heavily preggers nanny, who could give us another kid or two very soon.

CSA deliveries start next week, May 3/4/5!  We still have room on the truck, so get signed up today!

10 varieties of potato this year!

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