Thursday, September 27, 2007

Richard on the TV

Thanks to CSA member Helen, who reminded me to share this interview with Richard, Jai from Avalanche & Noah from Driftless, from Wisconsin Eye Network. It's in their archives, so look for the 9.17.07 entry about Wisconsin flooding.

I think it's very well done - sad & hopeful at the same time.

And like Richard says, we couldn't be doing this without the support of our customers, CSA members, and extended community! We've received about $43,000 in donations as of today!!! We can't say thank you thank you thank you enough!!! I'm working on the thank yous and I hope to get them sent out next week (which I've been saying since the beginning of the month - there is not enough time in the day).

We're applying to FEMA, FSA, SBA, insurance, and the Sow the Seeds fund too. We'll keep you posted.

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