Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pollinator Packs!

Back in 2015 we published a series of newsletter articles we entitled “The Silent Spring Series.”  If you’re interested in reading these information-packed articles, you can find them all on our blog.  Basically the series took a look at the impact the use of agro-chemicals is having on our environment, ecosystem and our bodies.  The topic is pretty heavy and as we worked our way through the series we felt like we needed to create some light at the end of this very long tunnel.  We needed something positive to move the needle back to a point of hope.  We decided to plant pollinator packs, a garden pack with 9 different plants.  We started the seeds, transplanted them into the trays and delivered them to CSA members in the spring so everyone could use them to plant pollinator gardens in their own yard, on a patio space, in a community space or anywhere else they could think of where they would flourish, grow and serve to attract and support pollinator creatures (bees, butterflies, birds, wasps, etc).  We only intended to do it once, but it was so well-received, we get requests for them every year!

So, for those of you who already have an established pollinator garden, perhaps you’d like to add a few new plants to your space.  If you are just starting out, no worries!  We’ve included some plants in the pack that are easy to establish and will bloom in the first year!  The germination of wildflowers is sometimes inconsistent, so when we were putting the packs together we had to vary the contents a bit depending on the plants we had available to use.  So, the list below includes all of the plants you might have in your pack.  We’ve linked to Prairie Moon Nursery, the company we sourced our seeds from.  Their website had a lot of great information about native pollinator plants, etc.  Please use this resource to identify the plants in your pack and learn more about the preferred growing conditions, when they bloom, etc.  Thank you for doing your part to support our pollinators and enhance our environment!

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