Thursday, June 25, 2015

Strawberry Day 2015-What a Fun Day!!

Strawberries ready to head home! We can't wait for next year!
Last Sunday we had a great turnout for our 2015 Strawberry Day Party.  Thankfully we had a clear and sunny day for the celebration and the storms and rain held off until Monday morning.  It was fun to see some familiar faces again and we enjoyed the opportunity to meet some members who were visiting for the first time.
The wagon tour ended in the strawberry field,
where no one could resist sampling a sweet, sun-warmed berry
or two!
Captain Jack had a great day and boy was he tuckered out by the end of the party!  He’s still recovering, so he asked me to pass on a huge “Thank You” to all of the wonderful children (and adults) who played with him and took care of him on Sunday.  Farmer Richard was grateful for the help he had with feeding the animals in the evening.  Rico the goat and Richard’s pet pig appreciated the pieces of apple snacks the kids fed him.
We had our annual “pick the biggest berry” contest again this year.  Faith was the winner of the kids division and won with a berry weighing 0.12#!  Kathy and Jess tied for the adult division and picked berries weighing in at 0.11# each.  There was enough ice cream to go around, so these three ladies each went home with a ½ gallon of strawberry ice cream.  Carol was the lucky winner for participating in the scavenger hunt and also took a container of ice cream home with her.  If you weren’t able to attend the party….you might want to knock on one of these ladies’ doors and see if they’ll share their ice cream with you (although chances might be slim).
Farmers Richard & Andrea were happy to share farm stories
& wisdom on the farm tour!
Mark your calendars for our Fall Harvest Party on September 27.  We have a lot more fun planned including pumpkin picking, sweet potato digging & a hog roast!
----Richard, Andrea, Capt. Jack The Dog & The Entire HVF Crew
Wagon tours heading towards the sugar snap pea field, where
everyone could pick & eat to their heart's content!
Our heaviest berry contest winners! Each took home a 1/2 gallon of Castle Rock Organic Dairy & Harmony Valley Farm strawberry ice cream!
Farmer Richard asked for some help collecting eggs
at chore time!
Strawberry ice cream from Castle
Rock Organic Dairy & Harmony
Valley Farm was a big hit!

Wagon tours of the farm ready to head out

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