Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Who Will Win the Spring Vegetable Division?

We have made it past the first round of match-ups and our sweet sixteen vegetables have been narrowed down to the elite 8. Yesterday the Beauty Heart Radishes won in a close match-up with our Red Beets. Here is your updated bracket of your elite 8 vegetables:

Furthering the fight for champion, today the infamous spring Ramps will battle the crisp Sugar Snap Peas to be crowned leader in the Spring Vegetable Division! Being that both of these vegetables hold a brief window of availability, the match-up could go either way! We’re looking forward to seeing the results.

On the ‘LIKE’ bench today we have the Ramps ready to ramp it up for another battle. The ramps thought that this battle might be stronger than the last so they brought along two of their favorite pairs – eggs and pesto. We think with this support system, the ramps will be bringing quite a punch!
On the ‘SHARE’ bench we have the sweet, but feisty, Sugar Snap Peas. These peas are showing up today having had many preparation methods under their pods – roasted, steamed and even raw, just to name a few. Sounds like quite a recipe for success if you ask me! We shall see if these preparations can carry them onward in our competition.
 Stay tuned tomorrow when we will reveal who won today’s battle and move on to see who will take home the championship in the Summer Vegetable Division!

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