Friday, July 8, 2011

July Days

The big news is that the new truck arrived today, just in time to load for the Madison CSA deliveries!   
Our old Mac delivery truck is nearly obsolete - at least finding replacement parts to keep it in good running condition was certainly difficult.  It was just time to make the change.

Pictured left to right: Rogelio (Madison delivery driver), Juan (mechanic & market truck driver), and José Manuel (Madison delivery driver).
After such a slow, cool spring I think we're finally catching up.  Sometimes it's all or nothing, hurry up & wait, you know?  Richard promised me melon pictures, so we'll get those up soon.

Juan Diego
We're harvesting some very interesting items for our CSA members, including radish pods - new this season!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the radish pods. Before we ate them, they looked pretty in a vase of water on the kitchen table.
