Monday, May 23, 2011

Mid May Update

 Blueberry blossoms are so lovely!  The currants have fruit, and the early strawberries are in blossom.  We're taking advantage of every dry day to transplant and direct seed.  We finally had a couple nice warm days and things are really changing and growing now!  It seems like the leaves on the trees unfurled, filled in, turned darker green overnight!
 These lettuce transplanting pictures were taken at the beginning of the month, May 5 I think.  Notice our goat herd in the pasture across the road (and how few leaves are on the trees).  It takes 7 people to transplant!  One tractor driver, three guys pulling plants out of the trays and depositing in the funnel, and three to follow and make sure the plants/seedlings are safe and secure in the ground.

Here's the valley today (Friday) - much darker green and warm, finally!

 Our new asparagus patch is looking healthy.  We planted it last year and we'll be able to have a limited harvest next year.  We have several older patches that continue to produce well, just not quite enough.
Here's the Super C tractor, with the covered strawberry field in the background.

Besides looking forward to strawberries, we also have spring radishes, arugula, salad mix, rhubarb, Hon Tsai Tai, Egyptian Walking Onions, spring spinach, and Yukina Savoy to dream about.  Coming soon to a CSA box near you!

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