Thursday, April 21, 2011

snow, and more snow

Hi friends and neighbors,

What a week. Snow is not entirely new to April but I was not ready to slip slide down the pathway to the barn carrying hot food for the crew. We are feeding them in the upstairs of the barn until the weather allows us to be outdoors again. Happily, I didn't fall or lose any casseroles and I thank Kelly and Tom for helping me carry everything. Life would be so boring if everything went according to plans.

Next week my menu will include: sorrel, chives, parsnips, ramps, and spinach. I will try and get it posted tomorrow.

Today I gave the crew, Curry Pork Ragout over Brown Rice and Sherry roasted root vegetables. No leftovers, not even in the compost bucket. Now that's what I call a good day.

See you tomorrow.

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