Monday, April 18, 2011

 We harvested the first of the ramps last week for Farmer's Market!  Richard had a busy Saturday, despite the rain and chill.
87 pounds of ramps
 Our first group of Mexican H2A visa workers made it "home" to Wisconsin early on Sunday!  It's so good to see and hear them again.  Lots of Spanish language on our 2-way radios, lots of chatter in the greenhouses and hopefully lots of smiles, songs and whistling at the end of the day.  And of course, 17 heartfelt hugs from me this morning.  What a way to start the day.
 Irma and Nina are busy transplanting our edible violas in the flower tunnel.  The nasturtiums are sprouting from the dirt, but we'll need the violas in the meantime.  Look for them in your first bags of HVF salad mix.

I had a wonderful weekend in Minneapolis, where I attended the Seward CSA Fair.  It was amazing to see the number of people looking for a farm, asking great questions about our CSA & our farming practices, and building community.  I had the help of six dedicated CSA members, extolling our virtues as well.  Their enthusiasm is what convinced most of the people checking out the farm!  Thank you!

You have to take the good with the bad here on the farm, and sadly today we had our first baby goat casualty.  She was a newborn this weekend, and just didn't make it.  We had another live birth today though, we'll see if he makes it through the week.  We'll keep you posted.

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