Thursday, March 31, 2011


Sweet Overwintered Spinach!
Look at the lovely and delicious field of spinach down at the Hammel farm!  The deer fence survived the winter and the spring thaw and Richard has been harvesting samples already.  Now with a little luck and a little time it will grow up and be ready for our first Farmer's Market on April 16 - our stand is under the green awning, midway on Mifflin Street (on the Square in Madison), with enough for the first couple CSA boxes too! We'll have freshly planted spinach too, no worries.  The overwintered is just such a treat.

Happy Birthday baby goat number 3!  Maybe we'll call your mama Brownie, on account of her big brown head.  He was just born last night, so we'll hope he makes it through another cold night.  This is mama's first kid so I don't yet have an opinion on whether she is a good mama or not.

I have no idea how to trace the familial relationships of these goats (is the new one a cousin, an uncle, a stepson??  Sadly, it's pretty incestuous with the goats).

Here are the brothers from another mother kicking it in the pen on their second day of life.  They are so clumsy and cute they make me laugh heartily.  But I'm easy, I can crack my own self up.

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