Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fishing Expedition

I need some fan letters so this here is a fishing expedition.

For perspective, I need to remember that we pack over 1,000 CSA boxes each week so a couple complaints shouldn't bother me so much. But boy are they vehement sometimes.

So if you are pleased with your farm and your CSA experience this season, if you understand the ebb and flow of a CSA season (and the differences you see season after season), if you are following along with our newsletters and our weather, and if you recognize the challenges your farmers face, please send me a note to share with Richard, Andrea and the crew. We could use your positive energy!
CSA (at) harmonyvalleyfarm (dot) com

Thank you for your support, from the bottom of our hearts! We know we couldn't do it without you and we do endeavor to send you the best boxes possible that are full of clean, tasty, varied and high quality produce.

(no more complaints this week okay? I'm feeling a little fragile. My thick skin will be complete next week and then I can take it all on again)


  1. Aw man. We love opening our box every week, and I use the recipes in your newsletter all the time. I can't wait for squash this week!

  2. Thank you everyone for the awesome words of encouragement! Check out the others on the Facebook page, too. It really warms the heart and means a lot to us and the crew to hear appreciation for our hard work. Thank you again! I will try to get them up on our letters page on our website as well as post them in the blog.
