Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Busy busy busy

I walked down to put a letter in the mailbox this morning and this is what I saw:

Whole Foods truck arrival,

cabbage coming on to the yard,

bagging tomatoes, cleaning turnips, cleaning onions,

construction/adding on to the box shed, wagon repair, chicken manure delivery &

porta potty servicing. I didn't even get into the barrel washing room. Not to mention office work, field work & Chef Bri cooking away (lunch today will be black eyed peas & pork, sauteed kale & a fruit salad. Yum.)

Busy busy busy day (it's also a CSA pack day, so lots to harvest/wash/pack). Actually a busy week. For real, a very busy season! I've been living and working here for two years now so you'd think I'd be used to the level of activity. But today I was astounded. It's a lot to keep track of! Way to go Richard, you captain of industry, you!

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