Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update from the greenhouse & Fields!

Besides the 3 acres of greens Adam & Richard planted on Saturday (April 11), Cody and Richard planted chard, carrots, turnips, beets and started on parsnips. Very dry here, so early to plant -which is a great start!

The greenhouses are full and thriving! The curly willow have really filled out,

the peppers have been transplanted, the basil is amazing, and look at those onions & fennel!
Outside, there are some volunteer violas in the midst of the empty flower tunnel - nasturtiums were just planted to add to our salad mix for a dash of color and spice.

Our H2A Visa applicants/crew from Mexico had their interviews in Monterrey yesterday, so we should be getting word soon on who & how many will make it to the farm for the season. We submitted 25 names this year, and have a couple more on standby/as seconds. Sometimes a good worker will fail the interview or get rejected for mysterious reasons so it's good to have extra names. But we hope all of last year's guys will make it back! Once they start (hopefully on Monday), we will really get busy in the fields.

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