Friday, April 4, 2008

Early April Greenhouse Update

The sun is finally burning off the fog that has obscured the valley this morning. It's still pretty cold and sometimes frosty in the mornings but they are predicting 60 degrees tomorrow!

We're filling the greenhouses and have moved trays into the ancient lean - to (at left). This structure came with the farm.The other greenhouses were built within the last couple years and we are contemplating adding another in the next few seasons!

The nursery greenhouse was busy this morning, with Hector and Simone doing a second planting of fennel seeds. As you can see, the trays and trays of peppers are thriving!

The herb packs and okra are coming along well, too. We think the herb packs will be ready for CSA delivery for the end of May - just in time to plant in your own garden!

I took a walk across the road to check on the big greenhouse - it's almost full to capacity!! Soon the onions will be moved to the cold frames outside and then to the field!!

The progress with all the little plants is amazing to me. The trays are filling in and the plants are colorful, tall, lush, healthy. Left to right we have:

Red Marimba & Green North Star Lettuce

Fennel and lettuce

Kohlrabi & Napa Cabbage

Broccoli & Bok Choi
We still have shares available for our CSA and now is the time to sign up. Our first deliveries are the weeks of May 8-10 & May 15-17, depending on what you order. We still have coffee, fruit & cheese shares available too! And Beef! OMG go to our website & read all about it! Eat local, go organic, be an adventurous cook, live well my friend.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for all the wonderful, and sometimes whimsical, photos of the plants and the farm

    it really makes things real
