Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday Update

It's a beautiful, crisp winter day in our valley! We are still enjoying winter weather complete with piles of snow and ice, but the sunshine today is very much appreciated.
It's been a busy week in the greenhouse. On Monday we graduated some of the onion plants to the large greenhouse. They are big enough to do fine on their own out of the nursery. Soon they will be ready for a haircut, but other than that we just need to make sure they have enough water, appropriate temperatures for slow, steady growth, and a little conversation now and then to meet their social needs.

Back in the nursery greenhouse, we are patiently waiting for some cipollini and shallots to pop up. In the meantime, yesterday Hector, Simon and Alejandro planted the rest of the shallots as well as all the herbs for the CSA herb packs, and celeriac! We are making progress, but still have a lot of planting left to do.

Until there is more greenhouse work, the guys are staying busy repairing pallets. We had a whole stack of them set aside to repair as a winter project. Once they are caught up we should be good on pallets for quite awhile.

Terri has been working diligently to prepare for the first large CSA fair this week in Minneapolis. Last weekend she had a smaller scale trial run at the Viroqua Food Co-op. She has a beautiful display board and did a little shopping in the cooler this morning to get veggies for her display. Both Brian and Terri have been working furiously to get all the CSA signups we are receiving processed.
The packing shed coordinators have stayed busy this week working on revising manuals, putting the finishing touches on the greenhouses, and organizing our supplies inventory. Spring doesn't allow time for "spring cleaning," so we are doing winter cleaning.
Richard has been busy this week with phone conferences with buyers, meetings at the FSA office, as well as all of the other things coming across his desk. He's hoping to find time this weekend to catch up on his reading....especially the latest edition of Spudman Magazine that came last week.

Well, that's the week wrap-up from the farm. Have a great weekend!

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