Thursday, February 21, 2008

Planting Has Begun!!!

Greetings from our snow-insulated valley! Last weekend we had about 7 inches of snow, so our piles around the farm continue to build. Word on the street is that more snow is in our near future. Thankfully we now have a warm farm oasis to retreat to when we want to try to forget that is still winter.....our greenhouse!! Last week the crew worked hard to get the greenhouse washed, sterilized, and set up. Yesterday Hector and Simon worked all day planting onions. I am anxious to see the little green shoots start popping through the soil. We have been ordering and inventorying our seeds, germ testing them, and working on the field plans for the year. This weekend some of us from the farm will be attending the MOSES organic farming conference in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Richard is still working with the FSA associates to improve the NAP insurance plan and complete our claims for last year's flood. It's a long process, but Richard has been very persistent and we look forward to the day his hard work pays off not only for Harmony Valley Farm but for other organic farmers as well.

We have also been hard at work receiving applications and interviewing people for our job openings. There never seems to be a dull moment on the farm!! Stay warm and well!


1 comment:

  1. This news does indeed bring a ray of hope, as we anticipate the next storm, predicted for tonight. Kudos to all of you, and especially to Richard for his persistence and good work on the insurance front.

    We miss you guys!

    Cathy in Madison
