Friday, November 9, 2007

Best Crew Ever!

Today was the last day for several members of our crew; four will be leaving for Mexico soon. But we still have work to do, so we can keep the majority of the crew busy for a while longer. We keep 6-8 people working year round in the packing shed & greenhouses, but much of the crew will return to work next spring. I made everybody (well, I thought everybody, but a couple people decided not to get their picture taken) stand outside (hoping that it wouldn't start snowing again) and smile. Back row from left to right: María, Frezbindo, Francisca, Simone, José Z., Gerardo, Adelaida, Nestor, Margo, José R., Richard, Juan, Andrea, Cristino, Rufina, & Benji. Front row L-R: Angel, Michael, Adelina, Brian, Alejandro, Aurelia, Margarita. Not pictured: Ezequiel, Ishmael, Irma, Rhiannon, Miguel, Hector, Glen, Dan, Brian.


  1. Our family thanks each and every one of you for all you hard work. We just love getting the boxes full of beautiful produce every week, and we are each feeling healthier. Much appreciation.

  2. Someone asked about CSA shares on the Madison LiveJournal community, and Harmony Valley got several nice comments (one of them mine).

  3. Thanks to the crew for all their work in getting the food to our tables this year!

